

Under linux (Ubuntu), to avoid to run DiscoveryMat in sudo user, you need to be in the dialout group to acced to the serial port.

sudo adduser bob dialout

where bob is the user, which want use DiscoveryMat. To activate this subscription, it's probably reqiert to reboot once your computer:

sudo reboot now

No driver is needed (Ubuntu 22.04).


Setup Linux 64 bits (2.2.6-SNAPSHOT)


Launcher Linux 64 bits (2.2.6-SNAPSHOT)

Portable ZIP-Archive

Zip-Archive (2.2.6-SNAPSHOT)

It is necessary to install yourself a java runtime environnement (JRE) . If it is not altready install in your distribution, see Installation Java Runtime JRE.


deb 64 bits (2.2.6-SNAPSHOT)
rpm 64 bits (2.2.6-SNAPSHOT)

The rpm package has never been tested, for lack of a distribution at hand. To install the dependencies of deb package, several methods are available. Example with Ubuntu 22.04 :

Version 1 : gdebi

In order to install the dependancy of DiscoveryMat use the command gdebi:

sudo gdebi bilat-discoverymat-2.2.6-SNAPSHOT.deb

Note : If gdebi is not yet installed in your distribution, you can install it like this

sudo apt-get install gdebi

Version 2 : dpkg

You can use too dpkg, but in two step, and it's a little less clean:

sudo dpkg -i bilat-discoverymat-2.2.6-SNAPSHOT.deb

and force now to install the depencies:

sudo apt-get install -f




sudo dpkg --purge discoverymat


If you are installing:

  • the portable version.
  • the package version.
  • you still need to manually download the dataBase.